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Some of you have sent messages asking about the pre-sale tickets, so hopefully this information will clarify your doubts and help you understand better.

The pre-sale sold out in 2 seconds since when you start the purchase process, the system saves that ticket for the user up to 10 minutes that the entire purchase process lasts. If in the end the purchase is rejected due to a problem, for example with the card, then the ticket is released and that is when another person can take it. That is why several people have been able to buy the ticket later.

The interest in the event has grown exorbitantly in recent years and more so in recent weeks. The presale was only 250 units globally and they were purchased from 27 countries: England, USA, Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Scotland, Bulgaria, Colombia, Finland, Georgia, Gibraltar, Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Emirates... The capacity was extremely limited for the enormous interest.

The next output of tickets will be more than 1000 units, with which there will be more opportunity. We are working to improve the shopping experience and also the general experience of the festival, trying to see alternatives to increase capacity.

We apologize for the frustration this may cause and greatly appreciate your patience and comprehension.

Happy holidays and a big hug!

We will be back :)

Skate Love Team



Skate Love Barcelona 2023 International Skate Music Festival September 14-17, 2023


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